Hormone decline - Hormone Solutions

What is Hormone Decline?

Hormone decline refers to the gradual reduction in hormone levels that occurs as we age. As we get older, our endocrine system produces lower levels of key hormones like testosterone, estrogen, progesterone, DHEA, and growth hormone. This decline can start as early as our 20s and 30s.

The most common symptoms of hormone decline include:

There are a few key causes of age-related hormone decline:

The good news is hormone levels can often be improved with a few key strategies:

In summary, hormone decline is a natural process but can accelerate due to lifestyle and health factors. Working with your healthcare provider to implement diet, exercise, stress-reduction, and hormone restoration strategies can help optimize wellness and vitality throughout all life stages. Monitoring lab testing is important to guide treatment approaches over time. The earlier hormone imbalances are identified and corrected, the lower the risk of developing age-related diseases down the road.

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