Obesity - Hormone Solutions

Obesity is defined as having an excessive amount of body fat that increases the risk of other health problems. The most common tool for determining if someone is obese is body mass index (BMI), which looks at a person's weight in relation to their height. A BMI of 30 or higher is considered obese. This level of BMI typically correlates with having a high level of body fat. Obesity rates have been rapidly rising over the past few decades. In the United States, over 40% of adults are now obese. Some key facts about obesity:

What causes obesity?

Obesity occurs when a person consumes more calories through food and drink than their body uses through normal bodily functions and physical activity. The excessive calories are then stored as fat. There are a variety of interconnecting reasons why this calorie imbalance can occur:

How is obesity treated?

The main treatments for obesity focus on long-term lifestyle changes:

The key is adopting changes that can realistically be maintained long-term. Extreme "crash" diets or intense exercise regimens are difficult to sustain. Building healthy habits over time leads to better outcomes.

I tried to cover the key points on understanding obesity - let me know if you have any other questions! Making lifestyle changes can be challenging but taking small steps forward leads to progress.

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